Closure in Python

Closure in Python


7 min read

In the previous article, we saw that we can define functions inside another function, and doing so would create the enclosing scope , using which we would be able to access variables/names from the local scope of the outer function, from inside the inner function. Closures are nothing but an application of this concept. So, If you haven't read my previous article, then I request you to please go through it first, before reading further.

The inner function along with its enclosing environment is called a closure

Creating a Closure

To define a closure, we need to take 3 steps:

  1. Create an inner function.

  2. Reference variables from the enclosing function inside the inner function.

  3. Return the inner function.

The closure will capture the local names in the outer function and keeps them around, giving us full access to the local namespace of the outer function even after it has returned and finished executing. Let's examine this in code πŸ’»:

def outer():
    outer_value = 10
    def inner():
    return inner

inner = outer()
inner() # 10

print(inner.__code__.co_freevars) # ('outer_value',)
print(inner.__closure__[0].cell_contents) # 10

In the above example, outer_value was defined in the local scope of the outer(), and we were able to access it in inner() even after outer() finished executing. This is because, when we reference variables from the enclosed scope inside the inner function, Python stuffs them into the local scope of the inner function to create the closure. Such variables which were stuffed in are called free variables and we can find them in the co_freevars property of the inner function's __code__object and their value can be retrieved using the property: __closure__ as shown in the example.

Use Cases: Managing State and Data Hiding

One of the primary use cases of closure is for Data Hiding. With closures, the variables from the enclosing scope are only accessible inside the inner(), thereby restricting modifications from outside and thus making them private variables.

Let's say, we have a function square() which returns the square of a number, and we want to keep track of the number of times this function is called. A simple solution would be to keep a counter variable in global and to increment it every time we make a call to square().

def square(num):
    return num * num

square_counter = 0

square_counter += 1

square_counter += 1

print(f"square() was called {square_counter} times")
# square() was called 2 times

Yes, this is a solution, but not the best πŸ‘Ž. Since the square_counter is in global scope, it is prone to modifications from anywhere in the module, making the final result unreliable. Let's try to improve this solution with what we have learned so far:

  • We can view the counter as the state and this state has to be updated on each call made to square().

  • We need to keep this state private to prevent modifications from outside.

So, if we use closure, we can declare the state variable in outer()'s local scope, making it private. And then inside inner(), we can refer to this state variable and update it, thereby enabling a way to manage/retain the state after calls to inner(). Let's implement this in code πŸ’»:

def square_factory():
    square_counter = 0

    def square(num):
        nonlocal square_counter
        square_counter += 1
        print(f'square() was called {square_counter} times')
        return num * num

    return square

square = square_factory()
square(1) # square() was called 1 times
square(3) # square() was called 2 times

Now we have a better solution. But still, there is a problem πŸ₯΄, the count is getting printed on every call to square(). We don't want that. We need to show the count only when we want to. Also, we want to have some mechanism to reset the count. Let's take these requirements forward and see how we can solve these using another use case of closure:

Use Cases: getter() and setter()

We already saw that closure hides our state variables from the outside world and can only be accessed from the inner functions. So, how can we provide solutions to our requirements πŸ€”? Yes, you guessed it right. We will have more inner functions πŸ€ͺ, one to get the value of our state (counter) and the other to update the state (reset). But, we won't be returning all 3 functions from our factory function. Instead, we will apply what we learned in the article: πŸ’‘Function as Objects to add getter and setter methods to the square() object before returning it.

def square_factory():
    square_counter = 0

    def square(num):
        nonlocal square_counter
        square_counter += 1
        return num * num

    def __get():
        print(f'square() was called {square_counter} times')

    def __set(value):
        nonlocal square_counter
        square_counter = value

    square.show_counter = __get
    square.reset_counter = lambda: __set(0) 
    return square

square = square_factory()
square.show_counter() # square() was called 2 times
square.show_counter() # square() was called 0 times
square.show_counter() # square() was called 1 times

Use Cases: Rate Limiting

Let's bring back our upload() example from Function as Objects and see how we can improve it using a closure πŸ‘:

def create_uploader():
    # Private state
    uploaded = False

    def upload(data, destination):
        nonlocal uploaded
        if uploaded:
            print("Already uploaded. Skipping..")
            # Perform actual upload
            print("An error occured during upload. Try Again..")
            uploaded = True
            print(f"Uploaded data to {destination}")

    return upload

upload = create_uploader()

upload("stars", "")
# Uploaded data to

upload("followers", "")
# Already uploaded. Skipping..

Now that you got the basic idea, can you create a throttler and debouncer using closure? πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

Use Cases: Caching

A cache is a software or hardware component aimed at storing data so that future requests for the same data can be served faster.

Suppose you have an expensive function, let's say square() for the sake of this example, which takes approximately 1 minute to compute the square of a number. Now let's say you called this function once, to get the square of 5 and got 25 as the result after waiting for a minute, you did some processing with that result and then after some time you require the square of 5 again. Now, if we call square(5), then again we have to wait for another 1 minute just to get the result that we already computed a few seconds ago πŸ₯΅.

As you can see, this is clearly a waste of computation and time. If we could compensate some memory for storing the results against the number for which we computed the square, then for future calls to that number, we could directly return the square from this store, instead of computing it again. This is what caching means and this store where the results are kept is called a cache.

Typically a cache is implemented using a key-value data structure, where the key will be the input and the value will be the computed result. The data structure: dictionary can be an excellent choice to implement a cache in Python. So, if we keep our private state as the cache (dictionary), we could improve the performance of our square(). Let's try this in code πŸ’»:

def square_factory():
    cache = {}

    def square(num):
        # If square of num was computed earlier and is
        # available in cache, then return result from cache
        if num in cache:
            print("Cache Hit! Instantly returning from cache")

        # Otherwise, compute the square of num.
        # Add num-result to cache and then return the result
            print("Cache Miss! Computing result in a minute..")
            result = num * num
            cache[num] = result
            return result

    return square

square = square_factory()
square(5) # Cache Miss! Computing result in a minute..
square(5) # Cache Hit! Instantly returning from cache

I hope you understood the concept of caching and how we can use closure to implement it. If it is still unclear to you, don't worry, we will discuss it again when we look at decorators in Python. πŸ€œπŸ€›

Well, that’s all for this article. Thanks for reading! πŸ™

I hope you liked this article and if you have any questions or suggestions, please drop them in the comments. Happy Coding.. πŸ‘‹